Anyone else seen this?
Published on September 21, 2007 By Asmodean_dk In

First of all a disclaimer: I am not at all sure that the following problem is related to WB - nor do I blame Stardock in any way, should it be. I am aware that this is a beta version, and as such cannot be guaranteed to function 100% in all areas.

Then to my problem:

Yesterday afternoon, I updated WB to 5.92.090. SDC prompted me to restart my computer, and I did. Upon restarting, Windows Data Execution Prevention (nice name for a service, eh?) closed Windows Explorer. I went huh??? But then Windows Explorer started again the next second, and all was fine.

Since then, though, about 50% of the times I reboot my computer I get the exact same thing. Windows Explorer gets closed by Windows Data Execution Prevention, but starts again right after.

Anyone else seen this?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 28, 2007
I have the same problem, Neophil. This is the first post I've seen that mentions the prob. I upgraded to WB6 and Start Meneu and Taskbar were skinned 'til I rebooted, then both were rendered in Windows Classic only. When I opened WBconfig, the skin did not show a taskbar in the preview! If there was a substyle to the skin, it still had the taskbar visible in the preview pane, and a skinned taskbar and Start Menu...until reboot, then also that substyle had no taskbar in the preview pane. Any skin I chose, same behavior. Diamond ran until I rebooted, then no taskbar skinned and none visible in the preview pane. Only way I fixed it was to delete the theme and reinstall it, then fine 'til next boot! Weird, yes. Have since gone back to WB5.51. Hope it gets fixed so I can use WB6...

mine did not go away help!

beta 1s all worked

even with the newest buid

WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 6 (6.0 (build 32 x86))

WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
Your machine supports per pixel borders on WindowBlinds skins.

(Plug and Play Monitor) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500

Wblind.dll 2007/09/27 17:47:20
Wbsrv.dll 2007/09/24 19:08:43
Wbconfig.exe 2007/09/27 17:47:33
Wbload.exe 2007/09/27 17:47:44
Wbhelp.dll 2007/08/27 11:54:07
Wbui.dll 2007/09/24 19:08:06
Tray.dll 2007/09/12 17:58:21
Screen.exe 2007/09/17 12:24:52
on Oct 03, 2007
Is there anybody still out there...

I have been following this thread since it started. I too have been experiencing the same great features... eh issues that all of you have been experiencing. It is now 2 days into the official release of WB6 and I am still coping with the "unskinned taskbar and start menu trick" that has been plaguing you folks since the "let's move all of your skins somewhere else" beta was released. After not seeing any more replies in this thread for a number of days, has anybody found a permanent solution to this problem, or have you reverted back to WB5.51 until rescue arrives. Judging from the number of posts on the forum from people with Vista related issues, us folks who are still running XP are going to have to wait awhile before the cavalry arrives.

Just in case Stardock is still watching, here is my system info, FWIW:

WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 6.0 (build 32 x86)

WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
Your machine supports per pixel borders on WindowBlinds skins.

(Plug and Play Monitor) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX
(Plug and Play Monitor) 2 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX

Wblind.dll 2007/09/27 17:47:20
Wbsrv.dll 2007/09/24 19:08:43
Wbconfig.exe 2007/10/01 17:35:33
Wbload.exe 2007/09/27 17:47:44
Wbhelp.dll 2007/08/27 11:54:07
Wbui.dll 2007/09/24 19:08:06
Tray.dll 2007/09/12 17:58:21
Screen.exe 2007/10/01 11:23:24

By the way, now I have to re-enable ClearType every time I reboot.

I'd be perfectly happy with the first beta of WB6 back, it worked like a charm! Unfortunately I don't have auto-archive enabled in SDC.
Guess I'll have to go back to 5.51 until the rust stains are cleaned off
on Oct 03, 2007

Having to reapply cleartype suggests something odd is going on.  WB does not alter that setting.

What apps do you have running at startup?

on Oct 03, 2007
Is there anybody still out there...

Just us folks...
Still got the bug, too. Running WB6 for a day, now, reboots half-a-dozen so far, then, just now got the same-old same-old: Sexy, by vStyler, reboot and no taskbar skinned and NO taskbar in wbconfig preview...?! Hoping it was a one-time burp. Hoping.

on Oct 03, 2007
What apps do you have running at startup?

Now there's a possible clue. Every time I start up, Winamp is set to run, but I get an error saying winamp couldn't find so-and-so dll, and it can't run. I click that away and run winamp from winamp agent icon in systray. Quicktime also runs at startup and I can't find a way of disabling it without uninstalling iTunes for myiPod. Didn't make a difference with WB5.51, though. Everything just started up and ran as usual. Puzzling...
on Oct 03, 2007
Just uninstalled and reinstalled Sexy by vStyler, and it's fine, with skinned taskbar and tb showing in wbconfig preview pane. Maybe just never ever reboot...   
on Oct 03, 2007

Do you get that winamp message if WB is not running?

on Oct 03, 2007
Let me set it to not run at startup and see what happens.
on Oct 03, 2007

I personally use Winamp on most of my (both xp and vista) machines (I listen to music nearly the entire time I'm awake ), though I've never had a conflict with that and WB. One thing different with my setup is that I do not select to install the winamp agent, I just have it running in the taskbar.

I would be interested to know if you have any custom plugins loaded and what that dll is that's referenced.

[Stardock Support]

on Oct 03, 2007
Just restarted, no winamp set to run at startup, and after bootscreen and logon, first thing showing was desktop, with taskbar white, as shown in shot. Preview pane in wbconfig shows NO taskbar after restart. Start panel unskinned. Uninstalled Sexy by vStyler, reinstalled, now shows taskbar in preview pane again

never had a conflict with that and WB


I do not select to install the winamp agent, I just have it running in the taskbar.

I'll try that. Also will see if I can generate that error again and screenshot of it.

on Oct 03, 2007
I would be interested to know if you have any custom plugins loaded

Not sure, so I probably don't. Only winamp skins I've dl-ed from here and winamp site...three or four.
on Oct 03, 2007
Do you get that winamp message if WB is not running?

I set winamp not to run at startup...didn't change the I'll see if I can set WB6 not to run at startup...
on Oct 03, 2007
As an aside . . FTW    
on Oct 03, 2007
Did msconfig. Stopped winamp from running at startup. Reboot. WB6 now keeps it's clothes on thru a reboot!! Not sure why disabling winamp at startup now allows WB6 to remember its settings. Will futz around a bit more now and then to see if something shakes loose. Thanks, Neil. Thanks, Mike. Great response and ideas on this. WB6 now appears to be happy. As for winamp, I'll poke and pry around there to see what's up.
Z, tried Pandora and went back to wmp and then ultimately back to winamp. Only other one I ever had was "Live 365", a paid subscription, and it was great 'til it ran out during one of my financial doldrums. Winamp it is.
on Oct 03, 2007

I will try to determine if one of my startup applications is affecting WB6 by doing a bare boot and add apps until the problem re-appears (sometime tomorrow - it's getting late . As far as the ClearType issue, all I know is prior to updating WB6 to ClearType would be active at startup. The only changes to system software has been with WB6 (updated to the official release via SDC). TIA
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